According to Napoleon Hill in “Think and Grow Rich,” the concept of the mastermind is to harness the collective intelligence, experience, and creativity of a group of individuals who come together in harmony to achieve a common goal.

Hill believed that when two or more minds come together in a spirit of harmony, a third, invisible, intangible force is created, which he referred to as the “mastermind.” This collective energy is believed to have a greater power than the sum of the individual minds involved.

The mastermind principle emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who are driven towards similar objectives, thereby leveraging each other’s strengths, knowledge, and resources for mutual benefit and success.

The Affidian Creative Business Mastermind series is a monthly gathering of like-minded business owners coming together to mastermind.


  • Share insights and experiences: Participants exchange valuable knowledge, tips, and strategies related to business growth and development.
  • Provide mutual support: Members offer encouragement, guidance, and constructive feedback to help each other overcome challenges and achieve goals.
  • Collaborate on projects: Opportunities for joint ventures, partnerships, and collaborations may arise from the connections made within the mastermind group.
  • Foster accountability: Members hold each other accountable for taking action towards their goals, ensuring progress and productivity.
  • Spark creativity and innovation: Brainstorming sessions and discussions stimulate new ideas and perspectives, leading to innovative solutions and approaches.
  • Build a network: The mastermind serves as a platform for networking, allowing members to establish valuable connections and expand their professional circles.
  • Facilitate personal and professional growth: Participation in the mastermind cultivates continuous learning, self-improvement, and skill development.
  • Cultivate a sense of community: The group provides a supportive and inclusive environment where members can share successes, challenges, and aspirations without judgment.
  • Elevate business performance: By leveraging the collective wisdom and resources of the group, participants enhance their business strategies and outcomes.
  • Sustain motivation and momentum: Regular meetings and interactions with motivated peers help maintain enthusiasm and drive towards achieving long-term objectives.